Monday, February 28, 2011

Goal Setting Monday- February 28, 2001


I am trying out a new meme this week from Mama Manuscripts and it is all about making goals for the week.  I am working through a cold right now, so I have decided to make my goals light for the week, so I can make sure I can get everything done. 


1.  I need to write three book reviews.

2.  Our dining room/kitchen needs a lot of help.  I have not organized our school items for several months, so this is the week to make sure it gets done.  The kids need the counter clean, so they can use their play dough.

3.  I need to make Facebook pages for this blog and also for Christ’s Bridge.  I am wanting a new way to spread the news when I don’t have enough information for a blog post.

4.  I want to walk a mile every day.  Exercise truly makes a person feel better.

These are my goals beginning tonight until Saturday.  I am feeling good about this!  I will tell you in a week how it went.

1 comment:

  1. Hi! Stopping by from the meme!

    Good luck on your goals this week!
