Monday, May 25, 2009

Time-saving Gardening Equipment

It has gotten so nice where I live and many places around the world. I have been thinking about gardening outside. Here are some ideas when buying equipment for gardening outside.

1. If you need a new tiller and grow annuals and vegetables pick a tiller has a width option of around 11 inches, so you can till between the rows. A tiller works very well for tilling in fertilizer and lime. And certainly getting rid of the weeds.

2. If you have a lot of trees that shed in the spring, like my oak tree does, you can use a leaf blower to clean off your patio. You can use it to clean driveway off after mowing and certainly for easy leaf gathering in the fall.

3. An electric or gas trimmer easily trims grass around trees, walls, walks or fence lines. It saves on both time and your knees.

4. If you can afford it, buy the biggest mower that will work on your lawn. It will save on time. I like to use a mower that uses my own power, just like I used when I was younger.

I hope these time-saving gardening ideas help you.

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